
Whether it’s from playing sports or spending a lot of your time typing at work, it’s extremely common to suffer from a lack of mobility in your wrist, and this stiffness can hurt too, especially if you still need to use your wrists on a regular basis.
So how can you try to ease this pain, and reclaim some of the mobility you’ve lost?
One of the best ways that can help you to loosen up your wrist’s mobility is by exercising and stretching it on a regular basis.
So, if you need some exercises that are going to help loosen up your wrist, then check out our list below!
What Are Wrist Stretches?
Wrist stretches are a type of arm movement exercise that can help to improve flexibility and range of motion in the wrists and forearms, these exercises work by expanding and contracting the muscles around your fingers, wrist joints, and forearms.
By stretching your wrists, you help to stimulate the blood flow throughout this part of the body, which in turn can help to both the flexibility of your joints and the short-term range of motion too!
These stretches can be beneficial for people who spend a lot of time typing or using a computer, as they can help to prevent or alleviate wrist pain and stiffness.
To get the most benefit from wrist stretches, it’s important to hold the stretch for at least 15-30 seconds and to repeat the stretch several times.
It’s also important to use proper form when stretching to avoid injury. If you experience any pain or discomfort while stretching, stop immediately and seek medical attention if necessary.
What Are The Benefits Of Stretching Your Wrist?
There are a number of different benefits to stretching your wrists using these exercises, including:
- Improved flexibility: Stretching your wrists can help to improve the range of motion in the joints, making it easier to perform everyday tasks such as typing or lifting objects.
- Alleviated pain and stiffness: Wrist stretches can help to alleviate pain and stiffness in the wrists, particularly for people who experience discomfort due to repetitive strain injuries or overuse injuries.
- Increased blood flow: Stretching can help to increase blood flow to the muscles, which can help to reduce muscle soreness and improve recovery after a workout.
- Improved posture: Stretching can help to improve posture by strengthening the muscles that support the joints.
- Stress relief: Stretching can be a relaxing activity that can help to reduce stress and improve overall well-being.
Overall, regularly stretching your wrists can help to improve flexibility, alleviate pain and stiffness, and promote overall well-being.
It’s important to be gentle when stretching and to use proper form to avoid injury. If you experience any pain or discomfort while stretching, stop immediately and seek medical attention if necessary.
Best Wrist Mobility Exercises To Loosen Up

So, if you’re looking for some of the best exercises you can use in order to help loosen up your wrists, then these exercises should help your short-term mobility!
Wrist Flexion Stretch
This exercise is probably one of the easiest wrist stretches you can do and is also extremely effective too! In order to do this exercise, place your hand palm down on a flat surface with your fingers pointing towards you.
Gently press down on your fingers with your other hand until you feel a stretch in your wrist. Hold the stretch for 15-30 seconds, then release and repeat with the other hand.
Wrist Extension Stretch
Another simple wrist stretch that you can do wherever you are, this is great to use when you’re in the office! Simply place your hand palm up on a flat surface with your fingers pointing away from you.
Gently press down on your fingers with your other hand until you feel a stretch in your wrist. Hold the stretch for 15-30 seconds, then release and repeat with the other hand.
Wrist Rotation Stretch
If you want a wrist stretch that isn’t too strenuous and doesn’t require a flat surface to press down on, then the wrist rotation stretch is a great one to incorporate into your daily stretching routine.
All you need to do is hold your arm out in front of you with your elbow bent and your hand palm up.
Then, just slowly rotate your hand so that your palm faces down, then back up again. Repeat this motion for several repetitions.
Finger Stretch
If you notice that your fingers are also suffering from some stiffness as well as your wrists, then this exercise is great at targeting both at the same time! Hold your hand out in front of you with your fingers extended.
Gently press down on each finger with your other hand, starting with the thumb and working your way through the fingers.
Hold each stretch for 15-30 seconds, then release and repeat with the other hand.
Prayer Stretch
If you’re looking for a simple stretch that is able to help stretch and loosen both wrists, then the prayer stretch is a convenient one to know.
Bring your palms together in front of your chest as if you were praying. Gently press your palms together until you feel a stretch in your wrists and forearms. Hold the stretch for 15-30 seconds.
Fist Stretch
This exercise is great if you’re looking to really stretch out your wrist, which can be essential after a long day of writing or typing in an office.
To do this stretch successfully, you’ll need to make a fist with your hand, then gently press down on the top of your fist with your other hand until you feel a stretch in your wrist.
Hold the stretch for 15-30 seconds, then release and repeat with the other hand.
Finger Pull Stretch
This exercise is a fairly similar stretch to the finger stretch, however, this one requires you to pull on each finger instead.
So, hold your arm out in front of you with your elbow bent and your hand palm up.
Gently pull on each finger with your other hand, starting with the thumb and working your way through the fingers.
Hold each stretch for 15-30 seconds, then release and repeat with the other hand.
Wrist Curl Stretch
Not many people realize how connected our fingers and wrists are, and whilst this exercise mainly focuses on moving the fingers, the effect of it is felt in your wrist.
In order to do this stretch, you simply need to place your hand palm up on a flat surface with your fingers pointing towards you.
Gently curl your fingers in towards your palm until you feel a stretch in your wrist. Hold the stretch for 15-30 seconds, then release and repeat with the other hand.
Wrist Extension Curl Stretch
This exercise might initially sound incredibly similar to the wrist curl stretch, but it actually has your palm facing the other way, which allows you to stretch a different section of your wrist joint entirely.
So, place your hand palm down on a flat surface with your fingers pointing away from you. Gently curl your fingers in towards your palm until you feel a stretch in your wrist.
Hold the stretch for 15-30 seconds, then release and repeat with the other hand.
Forearm Stretch
The final exercise on this list, and also one of the best, the forearm stretch is a great way to get the blood flowing and to loosen up your wrist.
Hold your arm out in front of you with your elbow bent and your hand palm up. Gently pull your hand down towards your elbow until you feel a stretch in your forearm.
Hold the stretch for 15-30 seconds, then release and repeat with the other hand.
How Often Should I Stretch My Wrists?

If you suffer from stiffness in your wrists, then it is generally recommended that you stretch your wrists several times a day, particularly if you spend a lot of time typing or performing tasks that involve repetitive hand movements.
This should be enough to help increase the blood flow and to help rid your wrists of some of that stiffness and pain!
We hope that these 10 wrist mobility exercises prove helpful if you’re looking for a way of loosening up your wrists, so try them all out, and see which of these stretches works best for you.
However, it’s important to remember that although all of these stretches are useful for loosening your wrist. It’s important to be gentle when stretching and to use proper form to avoid injury.
If you experience any pain or discomfort while stretching, stop immediately and seek medical attention if necessary.
So, give these easy and convenient wrist stretches a try sometime soon, and you’ll quickly notice how much looser your wrists are. Thanks for reading!