4 Pilates Moves For A Flat Belly And Weight Loss

4 Pilates Moves For A Flat Belly And Weight Loss

When you start working out, there is always something that you want to work on.

One of the most common aims of working out is for people to lose weight off their stomachs to get a flat belly, but you need to make sure that you are doing the right exercises so that you are getting stronger and leaner.

Pilates is full of great exercises to give yourself a flat belly, but you need to know the right moves.

Many great exercises can help you on your weight loss journey, but where should you start and what exercises are best?

This article will explain 4 pilates moves for a flat belly and weight loss so that you can begin to strengthen your body and see results.

You can find out more below to see how you can feel more confident and stronger in your body.

4 Pilates Moves For A Flat Belly And Weight Loss

1. Side Bend

To perform a side bend, make sure that you are sitting on the floor on your left hip.

Your leg should be bent and your left arm should be straight so that your hand is resting on the floor directly underneath your shoulder.

Position your right foot so that it is on top of your left foot, but slightly over so that it is touching the floor.

You need to engage your core and lift your hips off the floor so that you are balanced in the air.

Extend both of your legs so that they are straight and place your right arm so that it is over your head.

Your right arm and left arm should form a straight line.

Make sure that your hips are raised and that your body does not sink. Hold the pose for 30 seconds and repeat on the other side.

2. Leg Circles

To perform leg circles correctly, you will need to lie on your back on the floor or on a mat.

Keep your arms by your sides with your hands flat on the floor and extend and straighten your legs pointing up to the ceiling.

Bring your extended left leg down so that it is slightly raised above the floor. If that is too painful, slightly bend your leg.

Slowly begin to make large circles with your leg that is pointing to the ceiling and rotate from your hips.

Engage your core to hold your body still while you are performing the leg circles as you do not want to rock from either side.

Inhale when starting the circle and exhale when you are finishing it. Repeat the movements on the other side.

3. Toe Dips

For the dips, you will need to lie on the floor with your back flat against your mat.

Lift your legs so that your toes are pointing up to the ceiling, but then bend your knees so that your calves are parallel with your mat.

Position your hands so that they are behind your head to raise your shoulder blades and push your lower back into the floor to engage your core.

While inhaling, lower one of your legs so that your toes are an inch away from the floor.

Only lower your leg from your hip, do not move any other parts of your body.

Exhale and lift your leg back to the starting position and repeat with the other leg.

Repeat for 24 reps, which is 12 reps per leg, and continue to keep your shoulders off the floor.

4. Bicycle Crunches

Bicycle crunches can be difficult as you need to coordinate your movements well.

Lie flat with your back on the mat and bend your legs at the knees so that your feet are flat on the ground.

Position your hands on the back of your head to keep your shoulder blades raised off the floor.

Lift your legs so that your calves are parallel to the floor and lift your left knee to your right elbow.

During this movement, straighten your right leg, but do not let it touch the floor.

Rotate so that your right knee is lifted to your left elbow whilst straightening your left leg.

Continue to alternate between the movements until you have finished your set.

How To Prevent Injuries?

How To Prevent Injuries

Warm Up

The best way to prevent injuries is to make sure that you warm up before pilates.

You need to make sure that your muscles are loose and that you will be able to move them.

Without warming up, you will be more at risk of experiencing pulled muscles.

Pulling your muscles can be very painful, so it is best to avoid this as it can take a while to recover fully.

To warm up, perform some light stretches that will not strain your body.

You will need to carefully stretch your muscles, but make sure that you target your entire body.

If you only focus on one muscle group, the other muscles will get pulled as they will still be tight.

Do Not Push Yourself

If you are struggling to perform some of the movements, do not force yourself to do them.

Everyone is different, so movements that someone finds easy, someone else will not.

It is important to make sure that you are comfortable with the exercises and that you are not in any pain.

If you find one of the exercises painful or uncomfortable, stop immediately.

The more you persist, the more likely you are at causing yourself an injury.

You need to remain in control of the movement, and the more that your practice, the more comfortable that you will feel doing them.

Do Not Use Heavy Weights

Some people like to add weights to their pilates exercises, but this shouldn’t be rushed.

If you are not used to using weights, refrain from adding weights for the time being.

Begin with bodyweight exercises and gradually work your way up to weighted exercises.

You should start with light weights and build up to heavier weights.

If you add weights that are too heavy for you, you could cause yourself an injury.

It is dangerous as your body will find it hard to cope with the added weight, so make sure that you are only working to your abilities.


Rest days are just as important as exercises as your body needs a chance to recover.

If you do not let your body rest, your muscles will become too exhausted and overworked, which could cause an injury.

Your abdominal muscles need rest just as much as your arms and legs, so make sure that you rest for an appropriate amount of time.

Final Thoughts

To conclude, 4 pilates moves can help you to achieve a flat belly and lose weight, but you need to make sure that you perform them correctly.

You need to make sure that you have the right technique to ensure that you see a difference in your body and notice that you are becoming stronger.

You need to look after yourself, so preventing injuries is important.

Do not add heavy weights if you are a beginner and make sure that you do not perform any of the movements if they are too painful as this is dangerous.